miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008



There are some problems related to pollution that affects a lot of citizens, for example the contamination of Bogota River causes odor contamination in closest places when Corporations use the river as part of his process.

First of all, the result of pollutions would be more expensive that the economic beneficial of Consolation’s activities. It is important to understand that the short term cost of this kind of activities is not monetary but on the large term this kind of abuses generate a lot of difficulties that will be dangerous to all kinds of private entity.

A lot of people argue that the Corporations promote the lack of responsibility because any of his member take a personal risk when take collateral decisions with the environment.

But another solution to reach an economic development without pollution could be an interesting initiative called ZERI (Zero Emotions Research and Initiatives) in which all the pollution could be use as an input in another process that imply use some garbage as important input.

In conclusion, it is clear that the effect of the Corporations in the pollution would be the guiltiest. In this way the situation could be improved if the Corporations change his operations with new process.



These are the two skills for you finding and using the information. The information now is very simple of finding but you should use your favorite skill. The skills more common that the people use are the Internet (Is the most common) and a Library.

1. Internet: This tool is revolutionizing the information’s world, because since your home, you should find some information about the topic that you need. Moreover is very easier for user.
In the internet you should find everything since scientific information to false information

2. Library: The oldest tool for find information is the libraries, but is very used because the information that you are finding is scientific information. Is very formal and academic skill, but it is the most used for scientific projects



English is the principal language in the world. This language is used in all international negotiation, for example If is discussing Germany and Italia about the political or economics topics, this negotiation is in English language.

Is very probable that in 2010 two billions of people around of world used the English how your second language. Moreover, if you are traveling around of world, only you should communicate speaking English. The English is used since the Chinese at the Lastone Island in the Asian continent.

The English language has been incorporated in all segments of the life, but is most common find in the education segment, books, technologies and wherever things that used English for communicated, learn and coach



The concentration depends of the some people, some people used different strategies for develop more concentration, for example in the listening said about 5 people, but I choose tree different strategies:

Ø Martina: She listen music while doing her job
Ø Rachel: she need absolutely silence, for this reason she work only in your bedroom when all is be quiet.
Ø Mark: He prefers work in the afternoon when all workers is going to them houses. He say that the after hours are the best .



The younger people in develop countries are very different at younger that live in subdeveloping countries.

The first younger make a life plan for develop in your lifers, they are creating in them life project many objectives likes
Ø The carrier that would like study
Ø The sons that would like to have
Ø How old they would like to get married
Ø They think more in how will be rich that other things

Furthermore, younger that live in subdevelopment countries, the younger are very different
Ø They don’t know witch them like to study
Ø They take more sons
Ø The younger girls take pregnant in them adolescent
Ø Somebody don’t like study



English is an important global language, but if you would learn it, you have been many problems because don’t easier learn this language. Many teachers around of world was invented many forms for learn English but now is less difficult than last ages.

The first intention for people learn English was in 1930 with a Professor of Cambridge, that invented a list with 850 words for people communicated in English language but was very incomplete. Other intents was the spell dictionary and the speak technical; the spelling dictionary was an special book that take only pronunciation words. And the last one is a technical that search more speaking for learn English and less grammatical practice.


(Around the World)

In weekend the people like to go to different places for buy exotic things or needing things. Sundays are perfect days for people would go at markets and take and special day with the wonderful of these places. For Example:

Ø The Camden Market. London: You should buy the younger things such fashion, Jewell, CDs and more
Ø The Floating Markets. Thailand: You should buy the almost fruits such exotic fruits to common fruits
Ø The Grand Bazaar. Istanbul: The most popular for tourist are the rugs and carpets, but you should buy everything on everyday

And many more…


10 Ways to Improve Your Memory

The meant and the memories are the source of knowledge, for this reason is necessary take a strategies for improve in it. The principal tips are:

1.Take an Interest – Make an Effort: Make interesting activities according to own personality, these impacts help to recording more.
2.Repeat Thinks: Repeat for a few seconds, is the best strategy for remember something in short time
3.Form a Metal Picture: The visual associating is a good strategy for the people, because in the head the men take de image and has been very easy know and remember the name of this image.
4.Invent a Story: For remember a long list, is a good strategy invent to a story with all words, and after will be very easy for remember the words, is possible such remember ninety percent.
5.Organize Your Ideas: Order is the principal quality for remember the situation, if you will be order your mean and your places, is very easier knowledge
6.Listen to Mozart: Many experts believe to listen classical music, because this organize their ideas and improve in the memorize
7.Take Mental Exercise: the most famous option for exercising the mend is with crosswords and mathematical arithmetic, this strategies improve your knowledge.
8.Take Physical Exercise: Physical exercise is very necessary for increase your heart rate and send more oxygen to your brain
9.Eat the Right Things: The Vitamins C and E of some foods, are necessary for develop characteristics of own brain, If you will eat this types of food, your meant and your held will be very good
10. Drink Coffee: The caffeine doesn’t is the best option, but is a very instrument for active the sends and memory, it improve the concentration and oxygen the brain

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008


Any Friends of Yours....
Is a Friend of mine.

The internet is the tool most used now. Something the internet is used for research old friends or for find others news in anywhere of world. This lecture say that the internet is a good toll for make different assignments, furthermore now is using too, for know and share about friends around the world.

Is very easy that somebody know other people in anywhere, but is very probable that you never see personality this people.